NKKD-140 我是一个胆小、寒酸的和尚,过着当地贱民的黑暗生活,我去县里最疯狂的 DQN 瓦尼口前辈的房间抗议,他欺负我的儿子,他不高兴了,当着他的面戳我森下美央的故事。
I was a timid person who lived in the dark days as a local errand boy, but I lived with my kind and hardworking mother.... One day, the craziest DQN in the prefecture, "Crocodile Gutter Senior," came to my house to collect the sales of par ticket.... My mother, who happened to be there, chased him away as if she was trying to give him a good scolding.... My mother, who is a serious person, said she was going to protest to Mr. Crocodile's room, where she said he usually bullies her son....
Published at 3rd Oct 2019
Published at 3rd Oct 2019