NHDTA-283 一个被 "眼罩"、"耳塞 "和 "束缚 "剥夺了 "视觉"、"听觉 "和 "自由 "的女人,在只有她自己才能听到的大脑震动声中达到了疯狂的高潮 2.
Targeting beauticians, office workers, and campaign girls, they attack them when they are no longer popular, restraining them visually with eye masks and aurally with earplugs and headphones, depriving them of their freedom, and then reaching for their bodies. The woman is continuously touched and tortured on her breasts and pussy without knowing what is going on around her. The obscene shaking sound that only she can hear is transmitted to her brain, and she goes into a frenzy of excitement, convulses, and climaxes.
Published at 9th Sep 2012
Published at 9th Sep 2012