一个幼儿园学生用粘土做了一个大鸡鸡......她说不可能有那么大......我本应抗议,但是......'我不会教幼儿园的孩子撒谎!我把我的大鸡巴给幼儿园妈妈看,结果被打了2次 - '我不是骗子!我的鸡巴真的很大,老师!

BABA-008 一个幼儿园学生用粘土做了一个大鸡鸡......她说不可能有那么大......我本应抗议,但是......'我不会教幼儿园的孩子撒谎!我把我的大鸡巴给幼儿园妈妈看,结果被打了2次 - '我不是骗子!我的鸡巴真的很大,老师!

A preschooler made a "penis" out of clay, and his mother protested, "It can't be this vulgar and this big! The mother protested to the kindergarten, saying, "Don't tell them a lie! The teacher said, "I won't tell you a lie," and suddenly took out his penis....
Published at 21st Mar 2014